Thursday, December 22, 2011

Happy Holidays!

Tis the Season. to be Jolly!!!  

I'm feeling the Holiday energy most days...but not all.  I've had a few where this sort of low energy has taken over... but I'm very lucky- these moods seem to pass through me quickly.

I know not everyone is this lucky and the holidays can be very tough for many.

I think where we go wrong is that we've developped some sort of fantasy as to how everyone else is celebrating, and all their families are so loving and giving...maybe I just plum watched too many episodes of the Waltons!!!  
   Here's what I've discovered in my plethora of years- Every single one of us has experienced our share of challenges and every single one of us has wonderful things in our life and each day, we simply have to make a choice as to what we want to focus upon.

   Now I've never said this is easy...some days I wake up, surrounded by gorgeous sparkly paintings, stuff I can't even believe I created...and I think to myself, "What's my purpose?"  Craziness-I know.   And always in these moments I pray.   I'm not a religious person, but I do believe in a higher power- my life has just been smattered with too many miracles for me not to.   And ultimately on those tough mornings, someone will express to me how much they enjoy my work...or I'll see a rainbow reflected from a crystal on one of my paintings...something will happen to remind me, I'm doing what I'm meant to be doing.

      Anyways, I don't want to ramble on here, I just wanted to say, to anyone having a tough moment over the holidays, you are not alone.  There is a higher power watching over us all- and the tough moments will pass.  If you feel disconnected from family and friends, make a point of connecting more with your own creative spirit.  Listen in the stillness to what it is you may really be longing for...

     And focus upon the people who DO adore you, who would love to hang out with you, focus upon your triumphs, not your short-comings and believe, in your self.

          And hey, on that note, I've added two new songs -check them out on that little music widget to the right hand side.  Santa Soulmate is available for a free download.   My gift to you.

     And thanks for all of you who showed up to my holiday sale, another four paintings sold and two commisions.  

     Thanks to all of you who encourage me in my Creative Endeavors!  xoxoxo

Lots and Lots of love...


To see lots of Sharron's art got to and press on snapshot window...still adding

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