Sunday, June 3, 2012

Making VS Allowing

 Making Things Happen VS  Allowing

  “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” -Marianne Williamson

 In my past...I've been a go-getter...fierce in my visions and attempts to make things happen.
As I've matured...I've been learning...seeing a much bigger picture...a picture that allows so much more enjoyment, less stress and more freedom.   Think about it, More enjoyment, less stress, more freedom- sounds good right?

     It's always a challenge to walk on a path that differs from the main route.  But who says the main route is the best?  It's simply the one most have walked down...perhaps followed others, thinking, if they're going that way, it must be the right way- but who's to say.

It does take an adventurer's spirit to follow the path of one's own heart.  there will be people who might try to talk you out of it...or question your intelligence...or simply question...

 Our teachers, our parents, authors...books have been written about goal setting and sticking to those goals, but here's the thing I've learned, there's always unexpected gifts coming our way.  If we become too rigid...we may miss them.

      Success, is a word that is defined so rigidly- if you make a certain amount of money- you are successful.  If you have a certain amount of popularity or fame, you are successful.  I wonder, if how we define success is too limiting.

What if success truly was living a life with more enjoyment, less stress and more freedom- however that looks for you.

    These three things all entail loosening our sails..dropping the oars at times...and believing, having faith, that everything we need- we have.

Take a deep breath here.  It means right here, right now, we have to see the blessings in our lives.  Right here, right now, we have to accept where we are, that we can't control all the external element, only our own internal climate.  We drop the oars of trying to make our kids be or do certain things and allow them to be themselves- we have faith in ourselves and in them- that we've given them the tools and that hey know how to use them need be.
   We learn to stop worrying about what might be, and allow all that is.

For me...having God in my life had been essential...I know not everyone believes in God...but I do- I've seen too many miracles happen not to.

But the biggest miracle has been to learn...I'm still learning, to drop the oars...every time I think something is supposed to happen in a specific way, and it's not happening that way,  I drop the oars with an understanding that I've done the work...and now it's time to receive the benefits of all that I've created- however it shows up!

  One of my biggest lessons was that being in a state of a different vibration from being in a state of receiving.
In wanting, I am thinking hard...sometimes struggling to figure things out...I'm usually is a state of spinning my wheels, with the feeling of that carrot being just in front of me.

In receiving...I just eat the carrot, I enjoy the carrot...sometimes i discover, I didn't even want a carrot...maybe it was a piece of chocolate- some sweet moment,
That I'm wanting to savour.

       Today, I overcame a moment of anxiety...with the help of a beautiful friend.  That was a big success for me.

I have created a great deal in my life... but I know that I can't force a painting when it's not yest ready to be expressed, or write a song, when it's not
quite's being still that is hard for me.  In my stillness, anxiety creeps in...and it creeps in because I have to learn how to get to the root
of my feelings...which are usually habits of thought...that I should be walking down that main path...the path most in my family have gone down...

    But my path is's different because, I have no idea where it goes...only that I'm supposed to follow it, with my faith and my heart.

   And this is what I'm doing...



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