Sunday, July 6, 2014

Always Growing

    I’m wondering if you’re at all like me.

Some how, I have to be doing things, achieving stuff, accomplishing, striving, planning, and writing my manifesting lists-to feel OK about myself.

    I guess I’m a human doing.

Did you ever notice the flowers, the trees, the grass… the universe?  The flowers simply grow.  The trees grow.  And if you plant a seed, well, it might seem as if nothing is happening on the surface of the earth, but under the earth, the roots are growing and when the time is right, a perfect little shoot sprouts from the earth, and eventually that wee sprout blooms into a beautiful flower- and eventually that flower will die-although it hasn’t really died, but more…gone into a sort of stasis.  And when the earth is warm, and all the conditions are right- it grows again.  

  Can you imagine if that flower was sitting around, pulling out it’s petals, worrying all the time, about money, or relationships, or how it’s going to perform it’s next task?  NO!  It knows, with certainty and complete faith, that it’s always growing, and right on track.  It grows with ease.  And even when it looks like nothing is happening- something IS happening- it’s growing.

    All it needs is water and enough sunshine.

Did you ever think about our beautiful planet?  She sits in the middle of space, always remaining on her axis, revolving with the utmost stability, every 365 days a full rotation.  She’s not worrying about how many Facebook likes she has, or how to land the perfect job or how to make a million dollars or find her perfect lover.  She just turns, with perfect synchronicity each an every minute of the day. And yet we can’t really see this movement, but we know it’s happening, as the days grow longer...and then shorter.

    Why are we always in this state of low grade anxiety; feeling as if we have to be always doing, achieving, moving, planning, accomplishing, striving…
  Why do we give people with the most credentials after their name, the most admiration- as if each title holds the meaning of added worth.

Why do we feel so bad for simply doing nothing, simply being? Even in the ‘nothingness’ we are growing.

   I know what you’re thinking- well I think I know, because it would be a perfectly logical thought. “We live in a world of commerce and we need money to survive and we have to figure out how to earn this money.”  And I’m not disagreeing.  What I’m questioning is this judgment we are placing upon our own stillness- as if stillness is the pre-requisite to non-accomplishment, which might then equal failure.

     What I’m suggesting is inspired action.  Inspired action comes from stillness, and being.  Picking up a guitar and hearing some lyrics.  Picking up a pen and feeling an urge to write and share an idea.  Inspired action comes when we are not worrying and doing and planning and striving.  It comes to us in a dream, in a meeting of an old friend, in a place where we’re not looking.  Because in the seeking, there is rarely finding.  There is simply, a lot of frenzied, non-productive energy being spent.

     I think what’s missing is our trust and knowing, that growth is always happening.  And an honouring that there are times when even though we might appear to be still, we are growing, ideas are gestating, and that when the time is right we will know what action needs to happen.

   Oh, I know, so much easier said than done.  Perhaps I’m simply suggesting a little faith is in order, and that it’s OK to just BE.  And when the time is right, we will know what needs to be done.  And perhaps I’m suggesting it’s all unfolding, just as it should, and that most of our struggle comes from worrying and comparing and judging-ourselves and others.  And maybe we are running from something, from our fears of death, or not being enough.  And maybe, just maybe, there comes a time when we might have to stop running and doing….and believe that we are here.  We have arrived- we are on this planet and we are alive.
And life can’t be enjoyed if we are running all the time.  And sometimes we might feel dormant…but we might just be growing really strong roots, and maybe we need to trust that our leaves and flowers will sprout when they are ready, and that maybe we might just need a little more water and some sunshine.  And that sustenance comes in the form of encouraging friends, who love us just as we are.

     I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of being a Human Doing.  And I really have to just be OK with being… and to say I’m working on it, would be more like saying, I know my roots are growing….

    Maybe all of this thinking and striving and comparing is actually slowing us down- like adding more muck and keeping our flowers from sprouting.

     It’s just food for thought.

   Xoxx Sharron

  Paintings from top to bottom    
 Always Growing  Acrylic on Canvas 30"x40"
 Summertime   Acrylic on Canvas 48"x24"
 Garden of Friendship and Love    48" x 36"

 For more info please visit  xox 



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